ZAK HADDAD (Lebanese, Canadian) has over 18 years of camp leadership experience! He attended both Kilcoo Camp and Camp Bellaleo as a camper, L.I.T., Counsellor, Program Staff, Canoe and Kayak Instructor, and Assistant Director. Zak graduated from the University of Toronto with an Honours B.A. and B.Ed. from the concurrent Physical and Health Education and Teaching Degree Program. During the school year Zak works full-time at Aurora Montessori School as the Elementary Physical Health and Education Teacher and Athletic Director.
In 2012, Zak assumed the position of Camp Director at Bellaleo.
ALEXA SKINNER-HADDAD (Filipino, Canadian) has over 13 years of camp leadership experience! Alexa graduated from the University of Toronto with a High Honours B.A. and B.Ed in Physical and Health Education. Through the Faculty of Physical and Health Education, Alexa worked as an Outdoor Projects Camp Counsellor at Camp New Moon. Alexa spent three summers as an ESL Camp Counsellor in Spain at Camp La Colonia de Grados. When Alexa is not at Camp, she is a full-time Secondary Teacher and Assistant Curriculum Leader of Health & Physical Education at the Toronto District School Board.
At Camp Bellaleo, Alexa volunteered for many summers as a lifeguard before becoming the Waterfront Director and eventually assuming the role of Camp Director in 2016.

90% of Camp Bellaleo Staff were at one point campers themselves and have successfully made the transition from camper to L.I.T., and L.I.T. to Staff Member.
With 30 Staff and 60 campers per session, the 2:1 ratio allows for plenty of one-on-one time between leaders and campers making for an even more memorable camp experience.