REGISTRATION: Camp Bellaleo is excited to be using Campbrain - one of the leading camp operating and management software companies in Canada! Campbrain helps improve the overall user experience, making registration, payment, communication and all other camp-related processes easier than ever. To reserve your spot visit Campbrain Registration and create an account under “New user sign-up”. We encourage early registration as applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.
One-Week Fee: $1,599 plus HST**
Deposit: $500 plus HST
Fee also includes all Tuck Shop items such as sweet treats (popsicles, chocolate bars, chips) every other night AND a Bellaleo Camper T-Shirt.
NOTE: Deposits are made to secure each camper's spot in their chosen week(s) and are therefore Non-Refundable. The full fee is due no later than May 1st.​
**Camp Bellaleo collaborates with multiple camping charities, such as Amici, Kids in Camp, York Region and others to help provide the gift of summer camp to as many children as possible. Financial assistance is provided on a case-by-case basis and is reliant upon the amount of fundraising and donations that are made each year. For more information and to see if you are eligible for financial assistance, please contact Camp Director Alexa Skinner at (647) 285-7795 or alexa@campbellaleo.com.
REFUND POLICY: NO REFUND after May 1st. Concessions may be made in the event of extenuating circumstances and are at the discretion of the Camp Directors.
TRANSPORTATION: Families are responsible for arranging transportation to and from camp for their child. For special circumstances, please contact Camp Director Alexa Skinner at (647) 285-7795 or alexa@campbellaleo.com.